Nos produits sont plutôt destinés aux hôtels et aux entreprises : Prix attractifs en série.
Paravents, Lits, Tables de nuit, Têtes de lit, Tableaux, Tables, Chambres, Consoles, Armoires, Penderies, Commodes, Papier peints, Fauteuils, etc ..
Tony Caffin - Occitour : 14 rue de l' Avocette - 34300 Le Grau d'Agde - Tél : +33 6 45 99 15 78 -
French marketing of Jean Hubert Niffac products
The sale of Jean Hubert Niffac products is carried out from the store on this website.
The price of delivery in France is added to the site's displayed purchase price including VAT.
It depends on the size or weight of the product, taking into account the distance or type of route for delivery.
International marketing of Jean Hubert Niffac products
It happens, most of the time, that we manufacture in France and that we deliver from France to European countries or internationally on special study.
It may happen that distributors abroad represent us under license with or without exclusivity on a network of shops related to furniture or contemporary decoration.
From time to time, overseas producers may manufacture and sell our products under license with or without exclusivity. They are offered contracts.
Get in touch here.